Crime, Mystery, Detective and Science Fiction Stories

CCC #42: Hilary Bonner

Hilary Bonner

"Watchful unto Death"

Hilary Bonner is a full time author and former chairman of Britain's Crime Writers' Association.

Her tenth crime novel, THE CRUELLEST GAME,  a psychological thriller, will be published by Macmillan next year (2013).  Her previous novels are: THE CRUELTY OF MORNING (Mandarin 1995/Spain, Plaza & Janés), A FANCY TO KILL FOR (Heinemann & Arrow 1997/Czech Republic, Aradan KD/Japan, Futami Shobo/Spain, Plaza & Janés), A PASSION SO DEADLY (Heinemann & Arrow 1998/Spain, Plaza & Janés), FOR DEATH COMES SOFTLY (Heinemann & Arrow 1999/Greece, George Dragounis/Spain, Plaza & Janés), A DEEP DECEIT (Heinemann & Arrow 2000), A KIND OF WILD JUSTICE (Heinemann 2001/Arrow 2002/Russia, Azbooka), A MOMENT OF MADNESS (Heinemann 2002/Arrow 2003/USA, St Martin's Press), WHEN THE DEAD CRY OUT (Heinemann 2003/Arrow 2004/USA, St Martin's Press & Leisure Books/Greece, George Dragounis), NO REASON TO DIE (Heinemann 2004/Arrow 2005/Russia, Azbooka).

Non fiction books include RENE AND ME: the story of Gorden Kaye with Gorden Kaye (Sidgwick & Jackson 1989), BENNY: a biography of Benny Hill with Dennis Kirkland (Smith Gryphon 1992; Hodder 1993; re-issued by Blake Publishing 2002), JOURNEYMAN, co-written with her late husband, West country TV personality Clive Gunnell, about his HTV series journeying through the West of England (Alan Sutton 1994), and HEARTBEAT - THE REAL LIFE STORY (Boxtree 1994). She has also ghosted Amanda Barrie's autobiography, IT'S NOT A REHEARSAL (Headline 2002).

She is a former journalist and was show business editor of three national newspapers. She now lives in the West of England where she was born and brought up and where most of her novels are set.

Hilary Bonner's website

Narrated by Kenny Park.

CrimeCityCentral #43 podcast April 29th 2013 - 48 minutes

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